We are going to look at this regular everyday occurrence from a psychological and neurological point of view. And I am not going to use that old cheap cop-out excuse either ladies, you know "I'm a guy and guys are just hardwired that way." It's not that at all, but there is some truth to such lame excuses for those who actually have the "wondering eye." Bumble.com Reviews Sit back because you are about to take a ferry boat ride that will feel more like an extreme roller coaster ride.
Enter the Conditioned Reflex
Ever done something so many times
that you find yourself performing that very same task or feat without even
thinking about it or realizing it? Welcome to muscle memory 101! Muscle memory
comes in handy, but not so much for everything. Take for example, martial arts,
they use muscle memory all the time but it is actually a trained flaw to
continue training using muscle memory. The reason is the same as the poor guy
in the very first sentence of the chapter, the conditioned reflex effect.
Think about it, both guys and girls
have conditioned themselves to notice certain things when it comes to the
opposite sex. Bumble And
sometimes this also includes members of the same sex. Ladies, there is no guy
on this planet who has not had their eyes peer directly at another man's junk
when exposed. The reason is more for self-comparison, due to penis size
insecurities and sometimes just plain curiosity than gay tendencies.
Ever since children males have been
conditioning their muscle memory to observe and notice certain physical traits
of the female body. Especially those they personally find attractive. So lets
say for example a guy is a "boob man," he is more likely to notice
boobs more than asses. And then when they get in a relationship, women suddenly
expect their man to just stop and prevent years of conditioning. Yet you women
do the same thing.
The reason why some guys seem to
quickly look away or turn away (as if guilty) is because they truly feel guilty
(and scared their partner will notice). They realize they are looking at
something their partner Bumble.com may get
upset about, so of course they will quickly try to "cover it up."
Hell, guys unfortunately have "checked out" their own relatives at
least once in their lives (which may include mothers and grandmothers). It is
all due to this conditioned reflex over many years of development and
I am not trying to give every guy a
free pass to check out any woman they want and am not telling women to simply
turn a blind eye either. But how about we turn the tables and focus on the
women now shall we. Ever since little girls, females have been conditioning
their muscle memory to notice certain physical traits of the male body. And the
part of the body they most likely gaze upon in that instant glance is the very
part they deem the most appealing.
So does this mean everyone should
just lighten up about the issue with the "wandering eye?" Yes and no.
Lighten up as in give the other person a break, especially if it was done with
an instant glance. Followed by a quick redirect of their sight or some other
change of position. This is a genuine reflex effect. Its when they deliberately
look in that direction and then stare at that person for a good while that they
may actually be checking them out.
It should also be noted that most
guys will not pass on an opportunity to get a glimpse of some other woman's
body parts. Especially if they are exposed or put out in some
attention-grabbing manner. Ladies, you cannot expect your male partner to not
look if another woman is flashing her boobs, just like how you ladies wont pass
on an opportunity to check out a guy who has his shirt off or pants falling
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